Saturday, May 8, 2010

Weigh-In For Week 39

I am happy to report that even though I did not have access to a scale over the past couple of days, that I stayed on plan and have seen a bit less than a one pound loss since last week. I am really glad to know that even though I was on a mini vacation that I was still able to drop a little more weight.

Obviously the losses are slowing down as I approach whatever my maintenance weight will end up being. I am okay with that. I would love to reach my goal of 130 – and, really, it is less than fifteen pounds away so I still think that it is possible – but I already surpassed my original aim of 150 so I don’t feel like I have much to complain about if I don’t quite reach my secondary goal.

It is so much more important to feel good about where I am than to worry about a specific number. Again, I am still going to strive for 130 – but not to the detriment of any aspect of my life. Where my body ends up leveling out naturally should be fairly obvious. As I am continuing to see small losses I know that I am not there yet, so I will be sure to keep up my efforts and remain focused in the weeks ahead. However, it feels great to be comfortable with how this particular component of the journey is slowly coming to a close and with knowing that maintenance is just around the corner.


  1. you sound... amazing. This is what I hope for. Comfortable in my body, but not lazy or lackadaisical. So glad you had a good time away! Have a great remainder to your weekend!

  2. You definitely have a great handle on things! Good for you!!!

  3. It does slow down. Good job on maintaining the correct downward trend.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I'm beginning my own weight loss journey, and happened upon your blog, tonight. WOW! Your pictures of your journey are amazing, your stories are inspiring, funny, and just wonderful. Way to go! I certainly hope I will find the same success.

  6. Thanks, everybody!

    Amoslionhorse: random, but it made me laugh... I was all proud of using the word 'lackadaisical' in the post I just put up and then I found you had used it here! Weird!

