Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tired Of Being Tired

Sigh… Another evening where I am getting to bed way too late. Those seem to be piling up again and I need to kick the night owl habits. I am just not operating to my fullest capacity and I know it.

- 2 glasses of water
- 3 cheese rice cakes
- 1 banana
- 1 glass root beer
- 1 1/2 cups onion rings with honey mustard sauce
- 1 cheeseburger on a hamburger bun with lettuce, onion, and spicy sauce
- 1 piece homemade apple pie
- 3/4 cup blueberry yogurt and fruit salad with apple, orange, banana, and grapes
- 1 warmed cheese, bacon, and chive scone with butter
- 1 tiger brownie with chocolate drizzled icing
- 2 cups mint chocolate bar ice cream blend
- 1 glass cranberry ginger ale

- 15 minute walk


  1. Oh no. Not the ice cream again. :( Have you ever thought about trying the skinny cow ice cream. They have pretty good stuff for 100 cal. per serving. It may help that sweet craving until you can kick the habit again.

  2. I so get the night-owl woes. I've battled that my entire life, to the point of being chronically tired, and chronically late. My biggest difficulty has been "not feeling tired" at 11pm, midnight, 1am....A couple months ago, I started taking melatonin at about 9pm, and by 11 I am yawning and ready for bed. It may not seem like much, but its a HUGE deal for me, as I've not gotten 7 hrs of sleep for two weeks in a row in my life...until now. I feel SOOOOO much better!

  3. I know you are not likely to read this comment, but I feel compelled to write it anyway on the off chance that you are actually reading them.
    Have you noticed a pattern here? The days you complain about being so tired, yet stay up so late often corralate with the days you swing through the drive through and order the ice cream blend. Based on the rest of your meals today, I'm wondering if the ice cream isnt' the only fast food you ate. Your entire day almost looks as if you camped out at the local Dairy Queen or some place similiar.
    I rarely eat fast food, but I know that when I do I feel like total crap for the rest of the day (and usually a few days afterwards). I also notice that it takes only one day of indulgence and I crave it for a week. You have to be strong and stop the pattern. You must tell yourself NO. After a week or so, it gets easier and if you are feeding your body the nutrients it needs, it will stop craving the junk.
    ....but then again, I'm probably just talking to myself here....

  4. Seriously, this is not good. You must have regained some, if not a significant churnk, of weight by now eating this way. Don't do it. You did so great. You lost so much. Please, don't regain it!

  5. I've heard of athletes needing to eat more than the average person because they burn so many calories. 266 competes in rowing. I can imagine her body is a furnace.

  6. If you do not provide your body with adequate nutrition, you will be tired no matter how much sleep you get. And ditto to everything Jessuca said.

    I'm worried about you, 266. You're in my prayers. Grab a life line, girl. Now.


  7. 266.

    I'm glad you're on here posting.
    I'm glad you're realizing what is going on.
    I'm rooting for you.

  8. I feel like I'm watching a train wreck


  9. Blah, blah, blah!!! No damn wonder you're tired, look at the crap you eat. Ever heard of a vegetable? Onions deep fried in batter don't count. Get it together or you'll be back at 266!

  10. You owe us nothing 266. You began this blog with high hopes and a plan for your future. You asked us to encourage you and hold you accountable to this process.
    You progressed though an amazing journey of weight loss and (I thought) self discovery. Your blog was (and the early entries still are) an inspiration for many people facing those same challenges.
    So, what happened in June? Because June is when your weight began to rise and has risen every week since then. In June your proclaimed weight loss of 107 pounds, emblazoned on the side bar was a true and accurate telling of your story to date. Now this banner is false and misleading.
    I know you realise the seriousness of your situation because you have failed to update your weight since the middle of October. I am convinced that if you were successfully losing weight, you would have posted your weight loss achievement. So the obvious answer is that you are gaining weight and (calculating your intake vs. exercise) truthfully, gaining more weight than you are comfortable revealing.
    You haven't just fallen off the weight loss wagon.. you fell off, rolled into a ditch and the wagon is a mere speck on the horizon to you.
    But instead of blogging honestly about what has gone wrong, making a real attempt to understand this process, instead of reading and responding to the comments of your followers, you chose to ignore any support or advice that has been offered. Instead of making a genuine effort to revert to the good habits you spent SO much time developing, you endlessly repeat the same dietary mistakes over and over, like a tape on a loop.


  11. Continued from previous post...

    You owe us nothing 266... because I think are no longer trying to change. You are no longer an inspiration (at least not for ME). Day after day you robotically post a dismal list of food that contains enough sugar to send anyone into a diabetic coma (don't even get me started on the fat content of the fast food you consume, including the "ice cream blend").

    There has been no hint of salads, no more than 1 cup (if that) of vegetables per day and when was the last time you ate any unadulterated fruit? An orange or an apple, a cup of grapes? I can't remember, that's how long.

    As for exercise, don't make me laugh. Ten squats is NOT exercise. Whomever posted about you being a calorie furnace due to dragon boat rowing.. that would be true if you were doing it every day. But even at the height of the season you weren't doing that. Now the season has ended. You are not a calorie furnace. Ten squats will not a furnace make.

    Walk 266. Walk every day. Walk until you are fit enough to run again. Lift weights, do exercise DVD's, go to a class, swim, I don't think it matters what you chose but be active, be REALLY active, every day.

    I doubt you will ever read this, I don't think you read any of your reader's comments now. I am convinced that you would have deleted some of the more cruel ones if you had.

    Your blog just makes me sad now. And I know that you are not responsible for how I feel. That is MY problem but I cannot read any longer because you are sucking me into your vortex of despair. I feel de-motivated every time I read your blog. The exact opposite of your intention (and mine).

    I simply cannot bear to read your posts now, every day they seem to be a litany of excuses. I am tired, I was busy, there was baked goods, we were treated to a meal out, I feel sad, I feel angry... Whatever. I know that is it possible to make good and healthy food choices in all of these situations. Why? How do I know this is possible? Because I have done it, that's how.

    So, with sadness for you in my heart, for I still wish you well 266, this will be my final visit and my last comment on your blog.

    I hope that you CAN exorcise the daemons that are causing your self destructive behavior. I hope that one day you can bring yourself to read the multitude of kind, helpful, respectful, supportive and loving insightful comments that you have got on your blog.

    There are some nuggets of real wisdom to be found here that might really help and inspire you, if only you would read them. You have some good friends and faithful supporters who will continue to do try and post the one comment that will turn you back onto the path towards your goals.

    I wish you well 266, I hope for your renewed health, inspiration and success in this and all your endeavors.

    Look after yourself 266,
    Love Fox.

  12. Continued from previous post...

    You owe us nothing 266 because I think are no longer trying to change. You are no longer an inspiration (at least not for ME). Day after day you robotically post a dismal list of food that contains enough sugar to send anyone into a diabetic coma (don't even get me started on the fat content of the fast food you consume, including the "ice cream blend").

    There has been no hint of salads, no more than 1 cup (if that) of vegetables per day and when was the last time you ate any unadulterated fruit? An orange or an apple, a cup of grapes? I can't remember, that's how long.

    As for exercise, don't make me laugh. Ten squats is NOT exercise. Whomever posted about you being a calorie furnace due to dragon boat rowing.. that would be true if you were doing it every day. But even at the height of the season you weren't doing that. Now the season has ended. You are not a calorie furnace. Ten squats will not a furnace make.

    Walk 266. Walk every day. Walk until you are fit enough to run again. Lift weights, do exercise DVD's, go to a class, swim, I don't think it matters what you chose but be active, be REALLY active, every day.


  13. Continued from previous post...

    I doubt you will ever read any of this, I don't think you read ANY of your reader's comments now. I am convinced that you would have deleted some of the more cruel ones if you had.

    Your blog just makes me sad now. And I know that you are not responsible for how I feel. That is MY problem but I cannot read any longer because you are sucking me into your vortex of despair. I feel de-motivated every time I read your blog. The exact opposite of your intention (and mine).

    I simply cannot bear to read your posts now, every day they seem to be a litany of excuses. I am tired, I was busy, there was baked goods, we were treated to a meal out, I feel sad, I feel angry... Whatever. I know that is it possible to make good and healthy food choices in all of these situations. Why? How do I know this is possible? Because I have done it, that's how.

    So, with sadness for you in my heart, for I still wish you well 266, this will be my final visit and my last comment on your blog.

    I hope that you CAN exorcise the daemons that are causing your self destructive behavior. I hope that one day you can bring yourself to read the multitude of kind, helpful, respectful, supportive and loving insightful comments that you have got on your blog.

    There are some nuggets of real wisdom to be found here that might really help and inspire you, if only you would read them. You have some good friends and faithful supporters who will continue to do try and post the one comment that will turn you back onto the path towards your goals.

    I wish you well 266, I hope for your renewed health, inspiration and success in this and all your endeavors.

    Look after yourself 266,
    Love Fox.

  14. I've been reading your blog for a couple of months. I see a lot of people encouraging you through this rough spot and wonder what's going on that you can't get yourself out. But you will eventually, I have no doubt.

    It's good that you keep blogging. As long as you do that, allow yourself the time, and get right back on the horse.

    I started my own journey from 235lbs (at 5'1") August 29, 2010 and have lost 30.5lbs so far, what I consider to be the beginning stages. I still have 74.5 pounds to lose. Reading your blog has cemented the reality of those of us with weight problems - it's a lifelong issue we will have to tackle, and there will be ups and downs, always.

    Life is about choices. My biggest debate is enjoying food or feeling good about the way I look and feel. For right now, I'm chosing how I look and feel, but I'm sure I'll hit a rough patch.

    Good luck to you. If you need inspiration, I'm at my high point and I can be found at

  15. For those of you tired of watching "266" post the same foods over and over again, not post her weight, and ignore your comments and support ... please feel free to visit my blog. I am just getting started but I could use some active commentators like all of you through my journey. I'm in week 4 now and have lost 13.5 lbs so far. Additionally, not only am I posting my food intake and exercise but I am also posting the calories in and calories out as a result of the food/exercise.

    I'm going to do what "266" has done but I'm not going to quit or give up when I plateau like she did in June and I'm going to need ALL of you to help me remember that promise when the time comes.

    Here's the link:

