Sunday, November 14, 2010

Am I Going Overboard?

My dragon boating season is officially over. I am so sad! I think that the break really will do me some good considering how busy I have been lately, but it makes me feel down to think that I may not paddle again for three or four months. I don’t want to start feeling like it is an inconvenient obligation though, since I have such a hectic schedule right now, so the downtime will probably be a good thing. I’ll just really miss it!

- 4 glasses of water
- 2 slices toast with light peanut butter and light strawberry jam
- 2 scrambled eggs with salt
- 2 pieces bacon with maple syrup
- 2 sausages with maple syrup
- 4 pieces French toast with butter and maple syrup
- 1 mug eggnog steamed skim milk
- 1 baked potato with bacon pieces, margarine, and sour cream
- 1/2 cups steamed broccoli with margarine
- 1 cup meatballs with mushroom sauce
- 5 orange cream filled chocolates

- 35 minute walk


  1. so, what can you do in its stead that youll love and enjoy as much?
    any ideas?

  2. Looks like to me eat...

  3. A LOT less sweets today....good for you girl!! :)

  4. I think you'll find your weight will increase more rapidly without that intense exercise but that remains to be seen. Lots of luck with your journey. I know I need to exercise more.

  5. Better on dessert today (awful lot of maple syrup though!) and a walk too, yey.

    Withdrawal symptoms from dragon boat + holidays + busy = more weight gain if you don't focus.

    I would say taking up a new challenge at this time of year is not sustainable, but you do need to keep moving and keep your intake under control.

    Start by keeping your goals small, like you did the beginning. No one can say they don't even have 30 minutes a day to themselves. Go on that walk, every day!

    Increasing your veggie portions will fill you up better than sweet food will(1/2 cup of broccoli was your only veg today) you need more nutrients. Do your body a favor.

  6. What about it do you love the most?

    Recapture that feeling, that passion, that excitement, if only as a "seed catalog" for the spring. In three months amazing things can happen. What can you do to cross-train?

