Saturday, February 20, 2010

Weigh-In For Week 28

I stepped on the scale this morning and was quite happy to see an even 163 looking back at me. I feel like I did a really great job of amping up the exercise this week and I think that helped counter the few indulgences that I had.

On the not so great side of things, I woke up Friday and today with a little bit of a sore throat. It went away before too long yesterday and I felt pretty good through most of the evening; so far it is holding on this afternoon though and I have a bit of a headache coming on too. I really hope I am not getting sick! I have taken a multivitamin and an acetaminophen to try and reduce the symptoms, so we will see how I feel later on.

It makes me a bit nervous to think about developing an illness right now because the last time that happened it coincided with the one and only significant occurrence of binge eating that I have had since I began this journey. I know that one does not necessarily dictate the other, but it is on my mind. Plus, being sick is just downright unpleasant!


  1. Take two blogs and call us in the morning!
    *sending happy thoughts your way*

  2. Hope you are feeling better. Congrats on the new weight!

  3. Congrats on the loss! Hope your sore throat doesn't go any farther and you stay well.

  4. Another great loss! And I hope you're not getting sick either. My roommate just got over the flu, so I'm living with the same fear right now. :(

  5. I am fighting sinusitis...booooo!

    Hope you were able to nip the illness in the bud!

  6. Get better! Congrats on the weight loss.

  7. I totally get the fear of a binge's scary! I can associate things with it too. Awesome weight loss again! I need to get back to 2 pound loss weeks!

  8. I would love to be at 163, I'd be only 3 lbs from my goal! Good job!

