Friday, August 14, 2009

Producing Good Habits

I am getting ready to head out to the produce store. Maybe this is not a terribly exciting activity for some, but for me this is actually a big step. I have never been very good at getting my daily allotment of fruits and vegetables.

As I mentioned in my very first post, I recently had a stint of 'good behavior' where I was indeed adding these essential, nutritious foods into my diet and was successful at losing some weight. Well, of course, I stopped that and gained back part of the weight I had lost, but my point is that it works for me. And there is another reason that I am hoping that this particular habit I am trying to form sticks with me this time.

Again, I find myself looking to when I quit smoking, and I can't help but note that the thing that finally seemed to work was long term application - and, more pointedly, reapplication - of the behavior I was trying to utilize to replace the one I wanted to be rid of. In the case of cigarettes, I cut down for months - not just a few days or even weeks - before my body was ready to let the smoking go for good. I'm hoping to apply this principle to my eating habits too. I already had a bout of eating better and being (slightly) more physically active, so my hope is that this will continue and improve as I enter this next chapter in my weight loss journey.

I think that makes sense.

Anyhow, the long and the short of it is that I'm going out to purchase some produce and I'm hoping that this is the start of a fairly regular regimen that I can stick to. Hmmm... that was simple. Why do I always make things so complicated?


  1. Eating more veggies was a big step for me. I am not a huge fan, but I sneak then in to foods by pureeing them! I eat a lot of the ones I do like, such as broccoli.

  2. It's not so much that I dislike them as it is that I find the prep work needed to eat them a pain. I don't cook much at all and I used to be the worst person for just throwing in microwavable dinners, but I am trying to get better. My husband, on the other hand... now, he may do well with the pureeing idea. In fact, a friend of our does that and he enjoys eating her meals.

