Saturday, August 29, 2009

Weigh-In For Week 3

It seems like my last weigh-in just passed, yet here we are again! I have to admit, I am finding that having an official day to step on the scale has helped motivate me a touch more. Especially this past Thursday and Friday, I kept on thinking about how I really wanted to continue my downward trend. I didn’t really do more than I have been or anything, but I think it just kept me in the right frame of mind (and probably away from a second blueberry scone).

This morning I was super happy to see that I have lost another 3.6 pounds and am weighing in at 243.2! If this is a dream, please don’t pinch me! I’m so happy with all the progress so far, and I am hoping that the success I have had up to now will continue to feed the desire to have more in the future.


  1. Congratulations on a great week and fantastic loss!!! This ain't a dream - it's reality, baby...and you're doing it!!!

  2. Well Done a great loss, no dream here, this is the real deal and it's FaBuLoUs!!!

  3. Woo hoo! SO excited about the loss!

