Thursday, April 29, 2010

Fabulously Uplifting

Just when I needed a pick-me-up the most, the lovely, warm, and very kindhearted Sheilagh has presented me with a brand new award! She actually created this little gem all on her own to celebrate her one year blogging anniversary and generously thought to pass a little love onto others with this beautiful homemade badge. Thank you so much, Sheilagh, for thinking of me!

The talented artisan of this award has asked that those who have received it pass it onto six other inspiring bloggers. No problem there! My favourite part of receiving such accolades is the sense of honour I feel when being allowed to give them to different people. As such, I would like to offer a hearty congratulations to:

Anne from Carb Tripper
Diane from Fit To The Finish
Jenn from Watch My Butt Shrink
LauraLynne from Taking The Scale By Storm!
Miz from Mizfit Online
S. from Ethereal Endeavor

- 9 glasses of water
- 1 banana
- 1 wrap on a soft tortilla shell with deli ham, cheese, dried cranberries, spinach, fat free Miracle Whip, mustard, and pepper
- 3/4 cup fat free strawberry yogurt with 1 cup Vector cereal
- 1 1/2 cups celery with light peanut butter
- 2 cups grapes
- 3 cheese and potato perogies with bacon pieces, onion, and sour cream
- 1 pear
- 1 fiber chocolate delite bar

- 1 hour and 10 minutes of jogging with walking warm up, intervals, and cool down (1 hour of actual jogging)


  1. Hey!
    Thanks 266!
    You are one of the hardest-working bloggers in all of Blogland!
    Love it - lookit you go!
    Thanks for thinking of me.

  2. THANK YOU and as Ive shared with you before---you have brightened my day so so many times.


  3. It couldn't happen to a nicer blogger! Like Miz said, you have made my day better many, many times!

  4. Congratulations, J! It goes very nicely with your blog too, did you notice?

  5. Well deserved my dear! Enjoy your weekend.

  6. Wow! you. Look at that list - why am I with those other blogs, lol?!
    You, my dear are MY fabulously uplifting blog. Thank you so very much.

  7. What a great pick me up!!! Congrats!

  8. What a beautiful award & muchly deserved!!!!

