Saturday, April 10, 2010

Weigh-In For Week 35

I weighed-in at 148.6 this morning for a total loss of nearly two pounds for the week. I am pleased with that! This is the first time I will be posting an official weight on my sidebar showing that I have met and surpassed my initial goal! Also, I had two Easter dinners to contend with - and some major projects that were taking my attention away from exercising - over the last seven days, so I really have nothing to complain about.

I would like to buckle down a little more this week though and put in more of, what I would consider, a concentrated effort. I am definitely sensing the ability to improve my commitment level right now.


  1. great job, you are doing fab and I am using you for inspiration to get to my goal.
    Have a great weekend.

  2. Good job for the week. You really are heading down to your second goal at great speed.

  3. I've missed a few posts somehow -- you are doing great!


  4. Keep going until it feels right. Awesome job!

    I got to go dragon boating again today :) they made me lead...scary

  5. Thanks!!!

    Midlife Swimmer, isn't it fun!?

