Monday, November 2, 2009

Almost There...

Today is the last day that I have stuff planned for, so I am hoping that I can take a break tomorrow and get right back to putting more focus on the weight loss front. I had a really interesting day yesterday but didn’t have a chance to write about it yet because I was so tired when I got home last night, and I am on my way out right now so my tale will have to wait until this evening. Let’s just say that as far as losing pounds goes, fifty really is the magic number.


  1. yeah, fifty is indeed a great number....can't wait to read your post.

  2. I had to also give losing weight all my I'm finding the same with so scared I lose focus...

    Did you have a good evening out?

  3. I am just astounded by how much of a difference it is making to people noticing the loss. Marcelle, I had a great evening, thanks for asking!

  4. cant wait either and glad for you that TODAY is kind of a break day!

  5. *50* is a very magical number! Can't wait to read your next post!

