Saturday, March 13, 2010

Weigh-In For Week 31

The scale flashed 156.6 up at me this morning. I had thought that I would possibly see a gain this week since it had been showing me higher figures than my last weigh-in up until just yesterday. I am happy that the number is still going down, but, honestly, I can’t help but wonder if the drop would have been a bit less had I eaten more on plan amid all the excitement in the last twenty-four hours.

I am really pleased that I have gone down another two pounds and it feels like I earned it still since I thought the scale was being a bit temperamental throughout the week, but I am just not sure if I earned it all since yesterday. Maybe I am examining this too much, but I guess it makes me nervous that perhaps next Saturday I will have a harder time seeing a drop. I suppose I am wondering if some of these two pounds represents a false loss.

At any rate, I am glad to see the downward trend continue. I just want to make sure that I am being honest with myself about the reasons for it and, like I said, this feels like maybe the loss would have been less if I was better about my food intake on Friday. Nevertheless, I will take it! I may be the type who contemplates why, but I am not the sort to shun a most welcome result!


  1. Any loss is a good loss, congratulations and enjoy!

  2. woohoo!! Taking the world by the horns!

  3. I know what you mean about a false drop. For me it usually means a loss, I just never know accurately how much. But I agree with spunysuzi, any loss is good news.

  4. You remind me of myself. I'm not trusting the scale when my cyclical nature of weight loss happens to fall on a low day. I too dread having to 'beat' it the next weigh in. Congrats, and here's hoping.

  5. I want to see a post discussing the relation between weight loss and happiness using the direct correlation between excitement with heightened heart rate causing an excess of calories being burned.

    That could explain the weight loss.

  6. 6.6 pounds to goal!!!! And, months early!!!! are truly an inspiration.

  7. It sounds like you did a LOT of walking around yesterday...and...smiling...I bet that blasted lots of calories. Cheek muscles.....! Hey....embrace that number. What a GREAT number. My are nearly down 100 freaking pounds. 2.2 pounds away. That will be your post title within the week, I bet! Wow!

  8. Thanks, everyone!

    Seth and Greta, I love your theories! I totally should have thought about that type of calorie-burning potential!

    Also, Greta, thank you for reminding me of how close I am to losing 100 pounds since beginning this blog. I am now so used to saying I have lost over 100 from my highest weight that I lost track of the fact that that particular milestone is quickly approaching.

