Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tired Of Being Tired

After a week and a half of being on this new schedule, I am still having a hard time adjusting. I think my big problem is just that I am putting off going to sleep until the last possible moment, so I am shortchanging myself on my rest when I still have to get up early. Right now I really want to have a nap, but I know that if I do I will just mess myself up even more. Ugh! I am dragging.

I am still on plan and working to slowly counter the damage from Monday’s binge. Food has been good and there is fresh produce in the house now which should help even more. I already got a good walk in today and the C25K is tonight. I’d like to squeeze something else in there too, but we will see what there is time for.

Overall, I think I would be feeling a bit more positive if I wasn’t so sleepy, but I am doing well. Not all days are going to be stellar, but at least I am trudging along – fortunately, not reluctantly – with quiet resolution pushing me from behind.


  1. Glad your eating is going well...

    Sleepy and tired affect so many aspects of our mindset. Hope you able to get some much needed rest soon :)

  2. Wow you're almost to your goal weight, are you gonna keep bloggin every day when you get there?

  3. It's always good to have some fresh produce in the house! I hope you can figure out the whole sleeping thing! Take care.

  4. Did you change jobs or something or require such a change in your sleeping habits? Hopefully you will be adjusted soon lovely lady!

  5. Thanks, all.

    Matt, my intention is definitely to continue blogging daily! Also, while I am getting very close to my posted goal, I still think that I will be aiming to lose more. I haven’t completely made up my mind about that, but I am pretty darned confident that I would like to get down another ten to twenty pounds past goal if I can. The chronicals of this journey are far from over!

  6. I am totally doing this too! The dragging out going to sleep but then expecting my body to get up early! And this morning,I couldn't do it. Well, no wonder since it was past 11:00 when I finally turned out the light. Thanks for writing this... it made me think about my own "self-sabatoge" habit and that it needs to stop.

