Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Better And Better

I think I am finally getting over the last remnants of this cold. My mother told me something the other day that amused me: Apparently the old saying goes, “If you treat a cold it only lasts for seven days; if you don’t it lasts for a week.” Thanks, Mom!

I finally got my rings resized. I went from them being way too loose at a size seven to them being just a tiny bit tight as a five and a half. I think my fingers must have been cold when I tried on the sizers because my rings are very slightly snug now that I have them back. They are not too tight though and they don’t cut off my circulation in any way. I think that as I lose a bit more weight it is likely that they will end up fitting perfectly so I am happy. Regardless, at least now I don’t have to worry about them slipping off my finger in the shower or flying away from my hand if I reach out for something too quickly.

I purchased a matching yoga mat and water bottle recently. I’m not actually planning on doing any yoga anytime in the near future, but I figured that I could use it for when I am on the floor doing weight training or abdominal work. Plus, the designs on them are pretty!

One cool thing that I noticed a couple of days ago was from when I was out to coffee with a friend. I arrived at the shop before she did, ordered a water and a breakfast sandwich, and greeted her when she soon arrived. Well, over an hour and a half later as we left the coffeehouse it occurred to me that I had not even thought once about ordering something else. In that situation in the past I would have gone back to the counter at least one time to pick out some other treat. This particular establishment was even one that is known for their baked goods which is a weakness of mine. I was really pleased when I recognized that it had not even occurred to me to order something else. Visiting doesn’t always have to center around food and I think I am finally beginning to take that message on board in a very real way.


  1. So I was checking out your stats on the left side of your blog...and I noticed that you have posted a loss every single week since you started this blog journey! Wow, how amazing! You are truly an inspiration!

  2. gratz on the coffeehouse success! thats a biggie, both the not thinking about ordering and getting social time with friend NOT focused on food. :) Keep rocking!

    My rings are a 9.5... just starting to loosen off a little... I have a ways to go before re-sizing!

  3. It really is amazing you have less than 30 pounds to go.

    I do think as the exercise and better foods normalize metabolism you're less likely to keep craving or thinking about food. Cool how that works.

  4. Great wisdom, mom. Mine once told me that I need to "change" the oil in my car. Those kooky parents, huh?

  5. lol at jack.
    You are doing fabulous with your weight loss.
    My rings were so tight I thought someone was going to have to cut them off.
    Now they fit.
    Eventually I may have to get them resized.
    That will be a banner day.
    congrats on the resize and the food control.
    Little victories every day make the journey fun.

